“We do two things for this nation, we make Marines and we win battles” - Gen Charles C. Krulak
“Our most critical task is to make Marines who are ready to accomplish the mission and embody the qualities associated with the title “United States Marine.” – Gen James T. Conway
Training Command Mission - To coordinate, resource, execute and evaluate training concepts, policies, plans and programs to ensure Marines are trained to a common standard in order to meet the challenges of present and future operational environments.
TECOM Makes Marines
When I tell Marines I am from TECOM, the Marine Corps’ Training and Education Command, inevitably someone will riff on the old joke: Q: What are the most de-motivating words you can say to a Marine Corps Formal School Instructor? A: “Hi, I’m from TECOM and I am here to help.”
While this is told in jest, many Marines believe that TECOM is little more than a useless layer of bureaucracy that serves only to get in between the training Marines need, and those tasked to provide the training. That perception is based on the opaque nature of what goes on inside TECOM. This article will shed some light on what TECOM does, why we do it, and why what we do is actually of value to the Marine Corps and to individual Marines.
Gen Krulak’s words to Congress stand as TECOM’s unofficial motto: we make Marines. While no one at TECOM will be awarded the Silver Star or Purple Heart for their actions here, the Marines and civilians at TECOM nonetheless provide a vital service to the Marine Corps. TECOM takes the civilians provided us by Recruiting Command and transforms them into MOS-qualified Marines. Those Marines, trained by TECOM, are the ones who fulfill the other half of Gen Krulak’s observation: they win battles.
Who decides?
Who decides what is and is not a standard for an event in an MOS? The best answer to that question can be found in a “sea story” from a recent standards writing conference. While debating what tasks were appropriate for a recently created MOS, one of the participants, a Captain, had an epiphany: “You mean to tell me that it is knuckleheads like me who say what skills have to be taught to these Marines?” The short answer is: “yes.” Who else but Marines who are doing the job or supervising the job know what the job entails? Experienced Marines write the events that go into the Training and Readiness Manuals (T&R Manuals), then other experienced Marines at the school houses take those standards and write the learning objectives for the curricula that are taught.
Writing Training and Readiness Manuals
In order to impose some structure on this process, TECOM uses the Systems Approach to Training (SAT) mandated by Marine Corps Order 1553.3A. The Marine Corps’ Systems Approach to Training is based on the Interservice Procedures for Instructional Systems Development (IPISD), published in 1975. That document first laid out the basis of the SAT process: Instructional Systems Development based on the “ADDIE” Model. It is possible to expound at length about the ADDIE model of curriculum design (Analyze, Design, Develop, Implement, and Evaluate) and talk about theories of adult education, but that discussion is really only interesting to PhDs in Education. The Systems Approach to Training can be summarized as asking Marines to list what they do; turning each one of these tasks into statements, each with one verb and one object; then further breaking these statements down into the individual steps that must be performed to complete the task. Standards writers list the conditions under which the task must be performed and determine an objective standard to which the task must be performed. These elements are combined to create a training and readiness manual.
Chapter 1 of all Training and Readiness Manuals produced by Ground Training Branch contain a discussion of the importance of the training and readiness program. “The T&R Program is the Corps’ primary tool for planning, conducting and evaluating training, and assessing training readiness. Ultimately, this will enhance the Marine Corps’ ability to accomplish real-world missions. Subject matter experts (SMEs) from the operating forces developed core capability Mission Essential Task Lists (METLs) for ground communities derived from the Marine Corps Task List (MCTL). T&R Manuals are built around this METL and all events contained in T&R manuals relate directly to this METL. This comprehensive T&R Program will help to ensure the Marine Corps continues to improve its combat readiness by training more efficiently and effectively.” That said, the entire training and readiness program depends on the operating forces having well written events with solid performance standards contained in the manuals.
Drafting Solid Events
Training and Readiness Manuals contain “events” that describe things that a Marine is expected to do in his or her military occupational specialty. The event title is a description of the event to be performed. The title is exactly one transitive verb and a direct object. The verb must be an observable action, so verbs like “understand” or “know” are not appropriate.
The event below is not “evaluation coded,” which means that it is not one by which the entire unit is judged for combat readiness. The “sustainment interval” is the period of time in which the Marine must display mastery of this event. “Grades performing” is self explanatory. The “initial training setting” is where the event will first be introduced to the Marine, either at a formal school, on the job, or through distance learning.
The “condition” lists those situations under which the Marine will be expected to perform the event and the gear that will be required. The “standard” will be addressed in detail below. “Performance steps” are those discrete “muscle movements” when performed in sequence or as a whole result in the accomplishment of the event.
Training and Readiness Event Example
4421-UCMJ-1044: Prepare court-martial convening orders
CONDITION: Given a Request for Legal Services (RLS), a charge sheet, references, a computer, and current Marine Corps standard word processing and database software.
STANDARD: Ensuring a convening order is created without formatting, grammatical, or contextual errors.
1. Review references.
2. Ensure member's information is correct.
3. Type court-martial convening order.
4. Proofread completed convening order.
5. Make corrections, if necessary.
6. Submit completed convening order for signature.
7. Make appropriate number of copies.
8. Place original convening order and charge sheet in the case file.
9. Update database.
10. Retain file copy.
1. JAGINST 5800.7C, CHAPTER 1 Manual for Judge Advocate General (JAGMAN)
2. MCM Manual for Courts-Martial
Figure 1.
The Importance of Strong Standards
Having written or edited more than 3000 individual and collective events in different T&R Manuals, I can confidently assert that the most difficult part of drafting events is coming up with the standard. The SAT Manual states that a standard “can cite a technical manual or doctrinal reference (e.g., ...in accordance with FMFM 1-3), or the standard can be defined in terms of completeness, time, and accuracy.” For Individual Training Standards (ITSs) or for the first iteration of T&R Manuals, many included a standard of: “in accordance with the reference.” At the time, this standard was considered acceptable.
Upon consideration, Ground Training Branch determined that “in accordance with the reference” did not contribute much to a Marine or his commander’s conception of how that Marine should perform the task. Many events have multiple references, and some references are quite voluminous. Telling a Marine that he should be able to do something “in accordance with” a reference without citing specifically which reference, or where the standard can be found within a reference, does not assist in the training or readiness of the Marine. In fact, inadequate standards transform the training and readiness manuals containing them into impediments to training. Consequently, Ground Training Branch (GTB) adopted a policy that “in accordance with the reference,” would not be acceptable as a standard. Exceptions are provided in those rare instances where a technical skill requires that a Marine consult a specific, open technical manual (TM) in order to accomplish the task.
Since “in accordance with the references” can no longer stand alone as a standard, it was necessary for TECOM GTB to provide some additional guidance. The best shorthand for writing standards is for a subject matter expert to imagine that she is observing the Marine do the task. Then, that SME must put into words how someone would know that the Marine has completed the task. In the words of the SAT Manual: “The standard must be realistic in order to expect the student to perform the behavior based on the instruction provided. A standard is deemed realistic when the time, accuracy, and completeness criteria allow for successful completion.” Let’s look at each of these elements that make up the standard of a T&R event.
“Time” is a straightforward metric. If the reference calls for the task to be completed “within 24 hours of receipt of the order,” or “prior to crossing the line of departure,” or “within 6 seconds of hearing the alarm,” then a Marine who completes the task after that time has failed the event. “Completeness” is also straightforward. Some tasks are only complete “after every block is annotated” or “so that every piece is sorted” or “so that every round is expended.” The difficult part of writing standards for T&R events can be found in the concept of “accuracy.”
Some events readily lend themselves to “accuracy.” For marksmanship and gunnery, accuracy is easily determined. Either the shot hit the target, or it did not. For communications, either comms are established with higher and with subordinates on a particular frequency or they are not. But for some occupational fields, accuracy is elusive. How can imagery analysts know they have accurately assessed the location of the enemy? How can IO Marines know they have changed the perceptions of the enemy regarding United States activities? How can public affairs know that their audiences have accurately received the messages being sent? The answer in each case is: it is impossible to know while the Marine is performing the event. Does that mean “accuracy” standards cannot be written for these types of OCCFIELDS and their events? No, but accuracy standards are more challenging for the SMEs who must write them.
Writing accuracy standards is where the experts have to call upon all their experience and imagination. The SMEs have to assess whether a well-trained Marine doing the task according to the performance steps has a reasonable expectation of accurately accomplishing the task. In other words, if an Imagery Analyst does the event following the performance steps 1 to 15, will he accurately assess the location of the enemy? Will the Information Operator put out a message that will be well received by the population? Will that Public Affairs Marine influence the perception of the enemy? If, in the SMEs judgment, the answer to the question is “yes,” then they have written a good T&R event. If the SMEs cannot answer that question, they need to re-evaluate whether that event should even be included in the T&R Manual.
The other consideration in drafting a T&R event and the standard imbedded in the event, is whether an inspector, unfamiliar with the occupational field, can watch the Marine performing the event, and determine if that Marine is doing it to standard. Call this the “ignorant observer” test. If an ignorant observer can take the text of the T&R event, watch the Marine do the event and can determine whether that event is being done to standard, then that event is well written.
The best standards will combine as many elements as possible. If a Marine performs a T&R event to a standard that combines the elements of accuracy, time, completeness and clarity, the Marine Corps can be confident that the Marine is technically and tactically proficient in that event. Figure 2 is a Venn diagram that graphically displays a solid standard with four different types of elements. A Marine whose performance meets all four elements of the standard and essentially falls into the center of the Venn Diagram, is a well trained Marine.
Turning T&R Events into Formal School Training
Curriculum developers take the manual that has been typed into the Marine Corps Training Integrated Management System, and turn all the individual tasks into terminal learning objectives (TLOs). The writing of other learning objectives requires that the curriculum developers perform a “learning analysis.” “A Learning Analysis must be performed for every task covered in new courses. Additionally, each new task added to either the Individual Training Standard (ITS) Order or Training and Readiness (T&R) Manual, and taught at the formal school, requires a Learning Analysis.” The output of the learning analysis is 1) learning objectives, 2) test items and 3) method of instruction and media used for instruction, all of which turn up again in the Program of Instruction submitted to TECOM for approval.
The performance steps for the events in the T&R Manual become enabling learning objectives (ELOs). A terminal learning objective is what the Marine should be able to do at the conclusion of the class. An ELO can be something the Marine can do as part of a larger task, just as removing the bolt carrier group is part of disassembling the M16A2. An ELO can also be some knowledge that a Marine must have in order to perform a task to standard, such as knowing the lifesaving ditty “Stop the bleeding, start the breathing...” before treating a casualty.
The curriculum developer must make every effort to duplicate the conditions and standards in the T&R Manual when constructing the learning objectives. Training under the conditions the student will encounter in the operating forces makes the training realistic and relevant to mission accomplishment. Realistic training also relieves the unit that gains the Marine from having to spend valuable time and resources re-training.
Multiple choice and matching tests are easy to grade, but are almost worthless in evaluating whether a Marine can perform the events in an MOS. What is a better test of a Motor T Marine’s ability to disassemble a carburetor: selecting the steps for disassembly from a list or actually disassembling one? A Marine should never hear and no Marine should ever have to say: “Forget what they taught you at school, this is how it is really done.” Those words are an indictment of the entire training apparatus. TECOM must work so that no Marine ever has a cause to utter those words.
Evaluation is critical to the learning process. In the words of the SAT manual, “If the task is important enough to dedicate resources to teach, it is equally important enough to dedicate resources to evaluate. Test items are designed to determine if the learner has acquired the KSAs (knowledge, skills, attitudes) to perform an objective or task. This promotes learner development by providing feedback to the student and enabling the student to demonstrate mastery. Evaluation is also critical to maintaining or improving the effectiveness of instruction.” Further, each learning objective must be evaluated. “When determining what test items to use, the idea is to measure all learning objectives. Formal evaluation of learning objectives is accomplished by testing each learning objective. (Emphasis in the original)
After compiling the list of TLOs and ELOs, the curriculum developer must determine the time necessary to teach and evaluate each learning objective as well as the maximum number of students who can effectively receive instruction from the one instructor in that learning objective. The curriculum developer must also list the resources necessary for training each learning objective. The time required to teach all learning objectives, the manpower required to teach all the learning objectives and the resources required to teach the throughput of students is rolled up into one document called the “Course Data Description.” TECOM and Manpower use the CDDs for all formal courses around the Marine Corps to determine the budget and the personnel required to execute the necessary training.
The last step: Evaluation
The “Evaluation” step of the SAT model of curriculum development is concerned with evaluating the training of the learning objectives. Since the Marine Corps is committed to victory on the battlefield, evaluation is zero-sum: either the Marine is well trained and capable of winning or not. If a Marine is not well trained, the entire training pipeline must be subject to scrutiny.
In fact, TECOM performs “soup to nuts” evaluation of training. Training standards are evaluated every three years, and the POIs based on those standards are evaluated yearly at course curriculum review boards (CCRB). Further, Marine Corps Lessons Learned is open 24/7 for input that is mined for training gaps by the TECOM Lessons Learned Integration Division (T-LLID). TECOM IG reviews schoolhouse fidelity to the approved POIs by comparing the POI and the T&R Manuals to Master Lesson Files maintained by the schools and by observing classroom instruction. Finally, TECOM participates in OAGs to hear directly from commanders about training. Standards and instruction are reviewed continuously.
Peace, More Sweat; War, Less Blood
The Chinese Army has an old aphorism, which, directly translated, is: “peace, more sweat; war, less blood.” These words describe the mission of TECOM. We make Marines, and then we sweat them in training so that the Marine Corps can win battles with minimum casualties. To that end, the Marine Corps has adopted a paradigm of training development that identifies the skills Marines must perform to what standard and under what conditions, captures those behaviors in a manual, constructs training to reflect the conditions in combat, then continuously evaluates the process. Ultimately, the goals are well-trained Marines, well-trained units and SNCOs who say “remember what you learned in school? That is how it should be done!”
Thursday, August 30, 2007
Making Marines to a Common Standard
Posted by
8/30/2007 07:28:00 AM
Monday, August 27, 2007
Grunt complain about those who don't fight
Where is the evidence that an officer’s guaranteed promotion to Captain and Major does or will result in a weaker Army? Has the performance of the Army and Marine Corps in the war suffered? Does the fact that many non-combat arms types have not deployed to combat zones mean they are incapable of performing their duties competently and honorably? Does the same argument hold for Naval and Air Force officers who have largely sat out the war? Are they de facto incompetent for not having combat experience?
The Small Wars Journal posting reads like grousing masquerading as analysis. Grunts complain about anyone not going through what they are but I have known plenty of combat-experienced grunts who could not compare to some in the supporting establishment. Here is heresy: after 17 years as a grunt, and intelligence weenie and a training standards officer, the finest Marine I ever met was a female imagery analyst Corporal who worked for me. I have known many Marines who got out before the war started who would have been outstanding leaders in combat. Does the fact that they who never had the chance to prove it mean they were not as good as the ones who went? To say yes is to indict the training that Marines receive, the Commandant’s reading list and those Marine’s own conscientious efforts to improve their leadership and decision-making.
Combat can solidify lessons learned and can teach new lessons but it cannot magically make soldiers and Marines on the left side of the bell curve into latter day Audie Murphys. Combat doesn’t make the soldier, it shows him to be what he is.
Posted by
8/27/2007 10:14:00 PM
Saturday, August 25, 2007
Taiwan vs Japan
I really enjoyed watching the Taiwan vs Japan Little League World Series game on Thursday night. All the kids on both side were so disciplined and talented. It really was inspirational. I was sorry to see Taiwan go down eventually after 9 innings in what should have been a 6 inning game. And it made me a little wistful for Taiwan. I really miss it there, and wish I could be back.
I am reminded of reading a book called Hiroshima by John Hershey when I was in 8th grade. I lived in South Louisiana and the things Hershey described in that book seemed impossibly far away. I despaired that I would never see that place or anyplace, but less than 20 years later, I was LIVING there. I mention that anectdote to highlight my feelings now. I look at my life and think, I will never get back to Asia, but like the 13 year old version of myself, I really have no idea what is in store for me.
Sooo, I will be resolute, and cheerful and trust that whereever I am, that is where I am meant to be. But I do still want to go back to Taipei and have some beef noodle soup.
Posted by
8/25/2007 10:16:00 PM
Outrage regarding terrorism against Israel
I suspect you were being disingenuous in asking where the outrage is. There is never any outrage with regard to crimes and terrorism committed against Israel. Never.
I recall even Ariel Sharon thinking that a particularly gruesome suicide bombing would spark outrage among the civilized West and engender some sympathy, but he was met with silence. When it comes to the Jews and Israel, there will NEVER be any sympathy fortcoming except from believing Christians; that is the sad truth of this fallen world.
Posted by
8/25/2007 10:14:00 PM
Monday, August 06, 2007
Poetry Corner
It's easy to grin
When your ship comes in
And you have the world at your feet.
But the man who's worthwhile
Is the man who can smile
When his shorts are too tight in the seat.
-Judge Elihu Smalls
Posted by
8/06/2007 02:29:00 AM
Mark 13:13
Right now in the world is a startling display of Christ’s words and His Word manifest. In Afghanistan, there are a number of South Korean Christians being held hostage by the Taliban. Most of the hostages are women. These Christians had gone forward to Afghanistan to serve their brothers and to spread the gospel. Unfortunately, proselytizing in Moslem countries is iffy business; no Moslem country allows Christians to convert Moslems and there is much official hostility on the part of local governments towards Christians.
Into that atmosphere, the Korean Christians took their message and their desire to help the least of their Afghan brothers. The Christians were like lambs to the slaughter, and were quickly captured by thuggish members of the Taliban. The Taliban are trying to force South Korea to leave Afghanistan and to force the Karzai Government and the US to release Taliban criminals who are being held in Kabul. The Taliban is deadly serious; they have already executed two of the male missionaries they have captured and threaten to do the same to the rest. There is little doubt that the Christians who still live are subject to the terrible degradations. The men are being tortured and the women are being raped. Since missionaries know nothing of any military significance, the tortures they are suffering do only two things for their captors: to exact punishment on infidels who have the audacity to reject Islam for truth and to satisfy the sadism that all these Moslems exhibit to their captives.
With the fate of the Christians in Afghanistan in my mind, I opened the Bible at random and read Mark, Chapter 13. The words in that chapter have reverberated in my mind all morning and all this afternoon.
10 And the gospel must first be published among all nations.
11 But when they shall lead you, and deliver you up, take no thought beforehand what ye shall speak, neither do ye premeditate: but whatsoever shall be given you in that hour, that speak ye: for it is not ye that speak, but the Holy Ghost.
12 Now the brother shall betray the brother to death, and the father the son; and children shall rise up against their parents, and shall cause them to be put to death.
13And ye shall be hated of all men for my name's sake: but he that shall endure unto the end, the same shall be saved.
I fear that the earthly lives of these Christians are at an end. I pray that they remain resolute in their faith and realize that they are in their eternal lives and will soon be seated at the right hand of the Father. I pray that their families stay strong in their faith as well. And I hope that were I in the same situation as them, I would maintain my faith secure in the knowledge that whatever happens to my body is irrelevant to the glory that awaits.
Posted by
8/06/2007 02:26:00 AM